A few bricks in the right place create a living and edible space out of dead in a Yanaka lane. Basil is fast growing and pretty hardy – great for an ad hoc spot of tasty green.
Materials: Bricks
Location: Yanaka, Tokyo
(Originally posted on Tokyo-DIY-Gardening)
Pegs/Clips stored along streetside gate.
Materials: Gate
Location: Sendagaya, Tokyo
This pocket garden perched on a residential fence is home to two healthy seedlings. The planter is constructed from an astroturf off-cut attached to the trellis fence with thin wire.
A simple and effective use of waste material.
Materials: Wire, Astroturf
Location: Akishima, Tokyo
(Originally posted on Tokyo DIY Gardening)
A large scale foundation for creeping greens constructed from simple materials – netting, plastic twine, and plastic rods. Coming up to, and through, the summer the climbers should take over this frame, creating shade and privacy in the summer months (like a living sudare (簾:すだれ)).
Materials: Netting, Plastic Twine, Plastic Rods
Location: Kokubunji, Tokyo
Trees are trained away from the driveway of a high-end residence in Shibuya with a length of string.
No matter the value of the real estate, the gardening fixes tend to be the same……
Materials: String
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo
(Oringinally posted on Tokyo-DIY-Gardening)
Apron hung out to dry by its strings under a shop overhang (bottom left).
Materials: Apron
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo
Hand towel drying rack constructed from clothes hanger and bulldog clip. Last photo demonstrates the strength and necessity of the bulldog clip in the strong Shibuya wind.
Materials: Clothes Hanger, Bulldog Clip
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo
Safety reflector tape on driveway gate and wall make late night parking a breeze.
Materials: Reflector Tape
Location: Hachioji, Tokyo
The wall/entrance to this shed is held up by string attached to the roof.
Materials: String
Location: Akishima, Tokyo
(1) A place to store brooms and the bicycle pump. (2) An umbrella stand. (3) Garden rubbish bin and garden implement storage.
Materials: Gas Meter
Location: Akishima, Tokyo
A clever solution for creating a hanging garden along a breeze block wall without damaging/affecting the structure in any permanent way.
Wire is threaded through the gaps in the ornamental blocks, and wound around from top to bottom. The ends are then twisted and bent up to form a robust hook for supporting a planter. The result is a (potential) wall of green which is easily removed/altered.
Materials: Wire
Location: Akishima, Tokyo
Scarce curbside space is increased just enough to accomodate pot plants along a residential wall.
Materials: Wood
Location: Akishima, Tokyo.
Brooms are hung from a construction of wire and plastic twine.
Materials: Wire, Plastic Twine
Location: Akishima, Tokyo
Bricks used as planters on curb outside house.
Materials: Bricks
Location: Akishima, Tokyo