Patterns of Creativity in Japan Lessons from Successful Japanese Companies – A Resource

Patterns Tagged ‘freedom’
Ikusei: Cultivating Creativity

“….compact, manicured, and highly structured results – like a rice paddy or a bonsai plant……”

Cultivate the ‘Zero’

“the zero may feel less pressure to conform, find it easier to talk directly to higher management, and develop a radically different perspective on the firm.”

The Whole Train Set

“We’ve got the whole train set to play with on a smaller scale…we can move quickly..”

Autonomy breeds Interaction (and vice-versa)

Autonomy breeds Interaction (and vice-versa)

Avoid Training Newcomers (Too Much)

“don’t wait for instructions, steal whatever you can from your superiors, and then think for yourselves!”

Group Based Incentives

Group Based Incentives

Cut Out the Middle

“…walls need to be taken down and people need to be shown that they are all working for the same goals…”

Put Negative Energy to Work

“…allow people to make changes to the system, however small….”

Delegate (Credibly)

Delegate (Credibly)