初めての近所工作 001: リラックス

Chair Bombing

Do Tank Brooklyn (ドゥー・タンク・ブルックリン)というグループはあるものでイスをつくり、みんながリラックスできるように近所のあちこちにおきます。
[The members of Do Tank Brooklyn make chairs out of wooden palettes and place them around the city - creating sites for relaxing, talking, and fun.]

Image by Aurash Khawarzad

Image by Aurash Khawarzad


[Where are the places for relaxing in your neighbourhood? When you are tired where and how do you take a break?]

アイディア2:(ア)近所を歩いてみよう。人はどのようにリラックスしていますか(座ったり、立ってジュースを飲んだり、など)? 知らない人に声をかけましょう!(イ)何を使ってリラックスしていますか(ベンチ、芝生、など?)。写真をとったり、絵を書いたりして、メモをとっておいてね。
[Take a walk. How and where do people relax? What things are they using? What about lying down or sleeping? What other ways of relaxing outside can you see or think of?]

[Make a list of things that are useful for relaxing (chairs, cushions, flowers, water etc). What other things around town do you think you could use for relaxing? How could you change them to be more relaxing? Make a plan and try to make something - big or small, it doesn't matter!]

アイディア4: これから「リラックス」という考え方をもって近所を考えましょう。たまに野宿してみてもいいかも・・・!
[Continue to view your neighbourhood through the lens of 'RELAX' - perhaps you could sleep outside in the park sometimes too]


やってみました!1:近所たんけん、スケッチ、1コインベンチづくり [こちらへ]
[Here is our first experiment – explore, sketch, and make a 500 Yen bench! Take a Look]



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