Managing for Creativity in Japan Talking with Foreign Executives in Japan

Seeing Both Sides

“It’s really hard to judge yourself but I think that since I’ve lived here coming up nine years in total, I suppose that just innately I’ve absorbed some Japanese culture and perhaps I understand the way they think and what some people’s concerns might be. It’s not something I’m consciously aware of but I think that subconsciously I’ve become slightly Japanese myself. I’m still European of course so at a subconscious level I am able to see both sides or think a bit like both countries, if you know what I mean. I don’t consciously think “right I’m in Japanese mode today, I’m in European mode today” but having lived here for eight or nine years it must have influenced my behaviour.”

This post is part of a series of excerpts from interviews with foreign executives in Japan, focusing on creativity. Excerpts have been edited for confidentiality.
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