Particularly intricate stabilisation system for parked bicycle. Prevents the bicycle blowing over in the wind, or being toppled by other errant parkers. It also provides a central stable element to prevent the whole row of cycles from falling in a strong wind.
A laundry pole is fixed to the parking structure with bungee cords at the top end. The bottom is stablised with breeze blocks and blanket scraps. The bicycle is attached to the makeshift structure with another bungee cord. The number written on the breeze block denotes the owner’s apartment number. I’m not sure of the function of the pegs and gloves.

Materials: Breeze Blocks, Bungee Cords, Blanket Scraps, Gloves, Pegs
Location: Setagaya, Tokyo.
This example is a note for a pamphlet on “Hand Made Aspects of Mass Produced Housing”. Subscribe to my somewhat-frequent letter HERE if you want to keep in touch easily.
Mailbox facing the city street latched shut with a twist of rope.

Materials: Rope
Location: Central Nagoya
Full nets support emptier ones waiting to be filled. Organic self-supporting structure.

Materials: Net Sacks
Location: Setagaya, Tokyo.
This example is a note for a pamphlet on “Hand Made Aspects of Mass Produced Housing”. Subscribe to my somewhat-frequent letter HERE if you want to keep in touch easily.
Easel legs thread through bricks for stabilization of a entrance menu.

Materials: Bricks
Location: Nagoya
Lantern decoration for restaurant secured with a length of rope and a brick.

Materials: Brick, Rope
Location: Nagoya
Tokyo based design researcher Celine Mougenot introduces this great DIY sound system spotted in Okinawa.

Materials: Plastic Twine (?)
Location: Okinawa
Sign stabilized against wind with water filled PET bottle.

Materials: PET Bottle
Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo
Trees decorating the entrance are stabilised with plastic twine and string

Materials: Plastic Twine, String
Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo
Packing straps bracing two drain pipes together. A bucket forms the repository.

Materials: Packing Strap, Bucket
Location: Tachikawa, Tokyo
Train station emergency kit stored on a hook and secured with tape.

Materials: Hook, Tape
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo
As I rode my kick scooter across Tokyo from Shibuya to Ochanomizu, on the way to the Tokyo Mapping Workshop in the heat of summer I turned a corner in a deserted backstreet and ran straight into these monsters…… so tall they need to be tethered to the chain link fence for support as they wither.

Materials: Plastic Twine
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo
Lots more Tokyo sunflowers [HERE] and on Tokyo Green Space [HERE]
Originally posted on Tokyo-DIY-Gardening
Signage stablized with a chain threaded through a breeze block.

Materials: Breeze Block, Chain
Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo
Commercial signage stabilized through use of simple wooden strip.

Materials: Wood
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo
Bricks stablize a streetside display which juts out over the curb and onto the road.

Materials: Brick
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo
Pamphlet stand outside during business hours – tied to the pedestrian railing with plastic twine for stabilisation.

Materials: Plastic Twine
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo
This goya is being trained up and over the pathway in front of the apartment building to the balcont of a first floor apartment.
I like the way that the owner has not only appropriated the patch of earth in front of her residence but also created a physical (and visible to all) connection between the two.

Materials: Plastic Twine
Location: Akishima, Tokyo
(Originally posted on Tokyo-DIY-Gardening)