Yellow electrical tape on a pesky brick provides ample parking direction for this apparently very tricky driveway.

Materials: Electrical Tape
Location: Nagoya, Aichi
Yellow electrical tape on a pesky brick provides ample parking direction for late night maneuvers.

Materials: Electrical Tape
Location: Nagoya, Aichi
Washbasin created with a short hose attached to the tap with wire and tape and secured at the correct level with wire twisted around a screw.

Materials: Wire, Electrical Tape
Location: Sendagaya, Tokyo
Take a clothes rack, decorate the telescoping poles with red and yellow electrical tape. Then design (in Excel), print and laminate some promotional posters and affix them to the top rung with more electrical tape. Stabilize the whole thing with four full PET bottles of water secured with duct tape to the base.

Materials: Clothes Rack, Duct Tape, Electrical Tape, Laminated Paper
Location: Aoyama Dori, Tokyo
Yellow tape performs its ‘watch out!’ duty wrapped around a substantial concrete roadside planter.

Materials: Tape
Location: Akishima, Tokyo
Hard corners above garbage disposal space for apartment block made more visible with tape.

Materials: Electrical tape
Location: Mitaka, Tokyo