Non-Intentional Design: Investigating alterations of space/objects at the public/private boundary in suburban Tokyo, Japan. A resource by Contact: Chris Berthelsen

Frugal Hanging Garden

Frugal hanging garden constructed from three types of wire and a metal ring that was once used to secured a roll-up canvas awning.
Simple, robust, flexible.

Frugal Hanging Garden
Frugal Hanging Garden
Frugal Hanging Garden
Frugal Hanging Garden
Frugal Hanging Garden

Materials: Wire, Metal Ring
Location: Nagoya

PET Bottle Planters

Going through a dusty 2003 hard drive I find this fantastic example of PET bottle-on-bottle planters at a gardening exhibition in Nagoya.

The top image features PVA glue planters. The middle image shows how to create flat floral wreath from 2L PET bottles and sturdy wire. The last image features upright 2L planters, with the fine touch of a bottle-in-bottle construction to store the watering can for the planter-sculpture. I think the cut-away bottle hanging from the bottom is a scoop for soil and fertilizer.

(Originally posted on Tokyo-DIY-Gardening)

No Parking Collage

“No parking” sign + prevention fashioned out of breeze block, wire, metal grill and ubiquitous no-parking sign.

No Parking Collage
No Parking Collage
No Parking Collage
No Parking Collage
No Parking Collage
No Parking Collage
No Parking Collage
No Parking Collage

Materials: Wire, Breeze Block, Metal Grill, No Parking Sign
Location: Nagoya

Curbside Tiered Garden

Curbside tiered garden constructed on a base of two step benches, secured with breeze blocks and wire.

While making delightful use of the only outdoor space on the cramped corner plot (molded right to the edge), this garden guides visitors to the desired approach to the front door and presumably cuts down on hit-and-run pamphlet deliveries.

Curbside Tiered Garden
Curbside Tiered Garden
Curbside Tiered Garden
Curbside Tiered Garden
Curbside Tiered Garden

Materials: Step Bench, Wire, Breeze Blocks
Location: Nagoya

Parking Fix in Cone and Wire

Problematic barrier post made more visible by affixing an old traffic cone with wire.

Parking Fix in Cone and Wire
Parking Fix in Cone and Wire
Parking Fix in Cone and Wire

Materials: Wire, Traffic Cone
Location: Nagoya

Real Estate Signage in Laminated Paper, Wire and Tape

Narrow frontage and cluttered streets combined with a fast-pasted real estate sector call for flexible, cheap and prominent signage on Shibuya streets. This one combines laminated paper attached to a horizontal signpost and secured with wire and duct tape.

Real Estate Signage in Laminated Paper, Wire and Tape
Real Estate Signage in Laminated Paper, Wire and Tape
Real Estate Signage in Laminated Paper, Wire and Tape
Real Estate Signage in Laminated Paper, Wire and Tape

Materials: Laminated Paper, Wire, Duct Tape
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo

Ashtray Birdfeeder

Oranges secured with wire to metal ashtrays act as effective and colourful birdfeeders – adding life, scent and song to suburban Tokyo.

Ashtray Birdfeeder
Ashtray Birdfeeder
Ashtray Birdfeeder

Materials: Ashtray, Wire, Plastic Pole
Location: Akishima-shi, Tokyo

Tree Trained Away From Power Pole

Tree trained to grow away from power pole with a steel rod and scrap wood. Rod affixed to tree with wire.
Materials: Wood, Steel Rod, Wire
Location: Akishima, Tokyo

Gate and Wire

Garden gate held together with wire.

Materials: Wire
Location: Akishima, Tokyo

Pot Plant Holder in Two Types of Wire

Hanging pot plant holder constructed of thick electrical wire (hanging support) and wire (pot holder) in suburban green house.

Material: Wire
Location: Akishima, Tokyo

Station Signage

Makeshift station signage constructed from a plastic plate and wire. Attached to existing signpost.

Material: Plastic Plate, Wire
Location: Ome, Tokyo

Wire Pot Plant Hangers

Wire twisted into pot plant holders to decorate roadside residential fencing.

Wire Pot Plant Hangers
Wire Pot Plant Hangers
Wire Pot Plant Hangers
Wire Pot Plant Hangers
Wire Pot Plant Hangers
Wire Pot Plant Hangers

Materials: Wire
Location: Nagoya, Aichi

Support and Barrier

A construction of traffic cones and barriers held together with wire and plastic twine supports an old awning and cordons off the unused shop front.

Support and Barrier
Support and Barrier
Support and Barrier
Support and Barrier
Support and Barrier

Materials: Plastic Twine, Wire, Traffic Cones, Traffic Barriers,
Location: Nagoya, Aichi

Yaki-imo Lamppost Signage

Yaki-imo (roasted sweet potato) advertisement on lamppost. Constructed of a cardboard box, plastic twine, and wire ties.

Yaki-imo Lampost Signage
Yaki-imo Lampost Signage
Yaki-imo Lampost Signage
Yaki-imo Lampost Signage
Yaki-imo Lampost Signage

Materials: Cardboard Box, Plastic Twine, Wire
Location: Kunitachi, Tokyo

Smoko Spot in Can

Simple smoko spot constructed from can attached to roadside barrier with wire.

Smoko Spot in Can
Smoko Spot in Can
Smoko Spot in Can
Smoko Spot in Can

Materials: Can, Wire
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo

Postal Garden

A very practical and compact construction comprising of beer crates filled with small pot plants and a letterbox wired to the front. Placed in front a small serving window style food shop/residence, this extension of function across the footpath looks like it is packed up at night with the use of a hand truck.

(Originally posted on Tokyo-DIY-Gardening)

Postal Garden
Postal Garden

Materials: Wire, Beer Crates
Location: Shibuya, Tokyo

Neighbourhood Patrol in Laminated A4 and Wire

Neighbourhood parent patrol sign (laminated A4) attached to bicycle with wire. With this set up, every time you use the bicycle you are performing a casual security check (Note: My bicycle)

Neighbourhood Patrol in Laminted A4 and Wire
Neighbourhood Patrol in Laminted A4 and Wire
Neighbourhood Patrol in Laminted A4 and Wire

Materials: Laminated Paper, Wire
Location: Akishima, Tokyo

Bottle Cap Receptacle

A bottle cap receptable (from recyclable PET bottles) attached to the apartment complex rubbish drop-off with a length of wire is a convenient community-use add-on.

Bottle Cap Receptacle
Bottle Cap Receptacle

Materials: Plastic Basket, Wire
Location: Akishima, Tokyo

Gate in Wire and Rope

Rope barrier/gate reinforced, strengthened and given weight (helps stop it swinging in the breeze) with wire wrapped around its length.

Gate in Wire and Rope
Gate in Wire and Rope
Gate in Wire and Rope
Gate in Wire and Rope

Materials: Wire, Rope
Location: Tachikawa, Tokyo

Traffic Safety Collage

A variety of reflective objects – bicycle reflectors, traffic safety triangles, reflective straps – are wired to a pole on a tricky corner.

Traffic Safety Collage
Traffic Safety Collage
Traffic Safety Collage
Traffic Safety Collage
Traffic Safety Collage
Traffic Safety Collage

Materials: bicycle reflectors, traffic safety triangles, reflective straps, wire
Location: Kamogawa, Chiba

Mega-Cities: Design Anthropology and Urban Landscapes
I'm delighted and honoured to have my FIXES work included in Jared Braiterman's Tokyo University graduate seminar on mega-cities.
You can download the syllabus [HERE]

Thanks to the URBAN DESIGN Lab 西村・北沢・窪田 都市デザイン研究室, Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo for making this a featured resource of their lab [LINK]

Vision Plus 2010
Thanks to the organizers of the conference for selecting this project as a featured resource, even though I was not able to attend.

Article: Small Places of Anarchy in the City: Three Investigations in Tokyo on This Big City

Article: The Non-Intentional Landscape of Tokyo - read at This Big City

Article: Framework for Neighbourhood Creative Climate - read at This Big City

Tokyo Green Space from Jared Braiterman is a great inspiration [LINK]

Urban Bricolage by @ehooge is an inspiring site on a related theme [LINK]

Treepolis by Christoph Rupprecht inspires me with investigations into informal green space, cities, and urban ecology with a focus on Australia and Japan [LINK]

Everyday Structures by @alanwiig is another fine site in the same vein [LINK]