Eye-Level Potplant Rack
An interesting space-saving variation on the curbside/wall garden.
A thin plank of wood rests on top of a wire fence and is secured in place with wire and string tied to the guttering and drainpipes. Extra safety is added through a long plastic gardening rod which acts as a railing along the front of the garden. Precarious yet thoughtful, this construction does not intrude into the narrow thoroughfare any further than the curb line.
Simple and non-intrusive, and the perfect height for passing pedestrians to enjoy.
Materials: Wire, String, Plank of Wood, Plastic Garden Rod
Location: Nakano, Tokyo
(Originally posted on Tokyo-DIY-Gardening)
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jared Braiterman, Chris B. Chris B said: Eye-Level Potplant Rack http://bit.ly/dDsVPA design tokyo space [...]